This lesson will demonstrate how to create random questions in Blackboard from an existing test or pool
Creating a Test, Part 1

Log into your Blackboard course and go to the content area that you would like to add the test to. At the top of the page, click on Assessment and select Test.
Creating a Test, Part 2

On the next page, labeled Create Test, underSection 1: Add Test, click on theCreatebutton next toCreate a New Test
Creating a Test, Part 3

You will now see a screen labeledTest information:
- Name: Enter the name for the test here.
- Description: Enter a description of the test for students here
- Instructions: Enter instructions for the students here
- When finished, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
Creating Random Block

Navigate to the test you just created or want to add random block and Edit this test.

Select the drop down in Reuse Question and select Create Random Block.
Under Pool or Tests you will see your tests and be sure to select the test you want to create random block. Also select which all questions or select individual typs of questions. Select Submit.
Scroll to the bottom of the test and you will find an added question, for example number 3 is a Random Block. You can enter how many questions in the set you want to display.
Since number 3 is a random block of questions, you no longer need each individual question above. In this example, delete question 1 and 2. Select the box next to 1 and 2 and select Delete.
After deleting the individual questions, 1 and 2, you are now left with the random block of questions.