Faculty Guides and Documentation

Create or Edit Tasks

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This guide will cover the steps needed to create or edit Tasks.

Accessing and Starting a New Task

To create a task, click on the task option in the course managment option and click on the 'create course task' which apprears as the first option on the page.

To access Tasks:

1. Click Course Tools in the Control Panel.

2. When the menu expands, click Tasks.

3. On the Tasks page, click Create Course Task.

Create a Task

A course task pages appreas with the options to fill in the details about the task that's been created. Like the name, discription, task due date and its priority. Followed by its submission.

To create a Task:

1. Enter the Task name in the blank space.

2. Write a description for the Task.

3. Add a due date for the Task to be completed.

4. Set the Task priority.

5. Click Submit.

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