This module will show you how to manually enter or override (modify) grades in a Grade Column. To create a new Grade Column, please refer to Creating a Grade Column.
Step 1 - Access the Full Grade Center

To access the Full Grade Center, first click on Grade Center in the Control Panel and then select Full Grade Center (shown below).
Step 2 - Overwriting (Modifying) Grades in an Automatically Graded Column

Click in the cell containing the grade you wish to change and it will turn into a text box with the original grade highlighted.
Type the modified grade and then click anywhere outside the cell.
2a - Confirm the grade change

Once you click anywhere outside the cell you have modified, you will see a dialog box asking you to confirm the change--click OK to confirm the change or Cancel to revert back to the original grade.
2b - Icon indicating an overwritten grade.

If the changed grade was accepted in the previous step by clicking OK, then an orange triangle will now appear in the upper left corner of the cell indicating an overwritten grade.
Step 3 - Manually Entering a Grade in a New Grade Column
- To enter a grade manually into a Grade Column, click on any empty cell and a textbox will appear.
- Type the grade in the textbox and then click anywhere outside the cell to get a confirmation dialog box.
Step 3a - Grade entered confirmation

Click OK to confim your grade entry, or Cancel to leave the cell empty.
Step 3b - Grade entered

You should now see the grade that you entered. (Notice, that unlike overwriting a previous grade, no orange "overwritten" icon appears in the upper-left corner of the cell.)