The Blackboard calendar provides instructors with due dates and ability to add events. Students will be able to view the due dates and personal events.
1. The calendar can be viewed to show the Schedule or Due Dates.
2. The month and year will appear and if selected will change the calendar view from Day to Month.
3. By default, the calendar will open in Day view, select the Month to view the entire month.
4. Th plus sign is to add a new event.
5. The gear icon for Settings allows instructors to customize which calendars to display.
6. The calendar provides links to access an exam, assignment, or any other events directly to view and make edits.
View Due Dates
Select the Due Dates tab and view all upcoming due dates which provides a link to enter the course directly.
Please visit Creating an Assignment in Blackboard or About Tests for more information on how to set a due date.
Month View
Select the Month tab to view the entire month.
Add New Events

Select the plus sign to add event, edit schedule, and add office hours. For more information, please visit How to Add a New Event.
Calendar Settings

Select the gear icon to open Calendar Settings. By default, all calendars are selected to display. Instructors can deselect a calendar and it will no longer display.