This guide details the available types of questions that can be added to a Test or Survey in Blackboard. You can click on individual question types to access a guide on how to create that type of question. This information has been adapted from the Blackboard Help article on Tests, Surveys and Pools.
Available Question Types in Blackboard

- Calculated Formula: A calculated formula allows instructors to build a question based on a mathematical formula using an equation editor, in which the numbers in the question change based on the formula you used. The answer can be specified as an exact value or a range of values.
- Calculated Numeric: A calculated numeric question allows instructors to prompt students to generate a numeric answer to a question with fixed numeric values. The answer can be specified as an exact value or a range of values. Only numeric values are accepted.
- Either/or: An either/or question allows instructors to create a question with two options. The available options are Yes/No, Agree/Disagree, Right/Wrong, and True/False.
- Essay: An essay question allows instructors to present a question to students that requires an extended response. Essay questions require manual grading, and can be graded using an interactive rubric.
- File Response: A file response question requires students to upload a file from their computer in order to respond to the question. This type of question requires manual grading. Optionally, instructors can use an interactive rubric to score the question. File response questions cannot be uploaded to surveys.
- Fill in Multiple Blanks: A fill in multiple blanks question allows instructors to create a question with multiple answer blanks.
- Fill in the Blank: A fill in the blank question allows instructors to create a question with a single answer blank.
- Hot Spot: A Hot Spot question allows instructors to upload an image, and to specify an area in the image that students can click to correctly respond to the question. Note: This question type may not be accessible for all learners.
- Jumbled Sentence: A Jumbled sentence question presents students a sentence(s) where students use dropdown menus to complete the sentence.
- Matching: A matching question allows instructors to create a question where students pair the correct terms to their definitions. An instructor can add additional distractors that are not matched with a correct answer.
- Multiple Answer: A multiple answer question allows instructors to create a question where students can choose two or more responses to the question.
- Multiple Choice: A multiple choice question allows instructors to create a question, where the student chooses the most appropriate answer from a list of answer choices.
- Opinion Scale/Likert: An opinion scale question creates a multiple choice question with five options that range from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree. Instructors can add a Not Applicable option as well.
- Ordering: An ordering question presents students with a list that students must place in the proper order.
- Quiz Bowl: A quiz bowl allows instructors to create a question where students must respond with a question and use a question mark, similar to the format used on a popular TV game show.
- Short Answer: A short answer question allows instructors to create a question that requires an extended response, but allows instructors to set a recommended number of lines for the response (up to six). Students, can write as much as they would like, though. A short answer question requires manual grading. Optionally, instructors can link an interactive rubric to the question for grading.
- True/False: A true/false question allows instructors to create a question with two options: True or False.