Creating an Assignment in Blackboard Learn Ultra Course View

This guide will demonstrate how to create assignments in Blackboard Learn Ultra

This is for Ultra Course View, go to Original Course View.

The assignment type (i.e. from individual to group assignment) cannot be  changed if students have already submitted assignment attempts.

Creating an Assignment, Part 1

Image showing how to add content in Learn Ultra Course View
  • Identify the place within your course content you wish to place the assignment and click the + button on the line between two lines.
  • From the menu that appears, select Create from the menu.

Creating an  Assignment, Part 2

Image of Create item menu with Assignment option highlighted

A menu will open on the right side of the screen. Under the Assignments section, select the Assignment option.

Entering Assignment Information

Image showing steps for creating a new assessment.

You will now see the assignment on screen.

  1. Enter the Assignment Name in the upper right hand of the upper left hand side of the screen
  2. Enter the assignment questions here.
  3. Allow students to add content at end of assessment: This option allows students to add text or attach files at the end of the assessment, similar to a standard assignment drop box in blackboard Learn Original. If no questions are added to the assessment, this option is enabled by default. If questions are added to the assessment, instructors can enable or disable this option.
  4. Click on the gear icon to modify the assignment settings. The section onscreen shows a highlight of the  submission requirements.
  5. Click on the visibility link to modify the availability of the item to students.

When finishing the assignment settings, click the X button in the upper left corner of the screen to close the  assignment.