Changing Announcement Display Preferences

The instructions below will demonstrate how to change the duration in which announcements appear in the My Announcements box.

Accessing Course Announcements

Image of the Course News page with an arrow pointing to the My Announcements box with instructions to locate the My Announcements box.  Within the box, another arrow is pointing to a gear icon (manage my announcements module settings) with instructions to click on the gear icon

Log into your Blackboard course and go to the Course News page.  Locate the box labeled My Announcements and hover your mouse cursor over the box. Click the gear icon (Manage My Announcements Module Settings) in the upper right hand corner to access the announcements settings.

Changing Announcement Display Preferences, Part 2

Image of Personalize: My Announcements with an arrow pointing to the drop down menu next to Show Announcements for located under Edit My Announcements view, with instructions to choose the desired opton from the drop down menu.  At the bottom of the page, there is an arrow pointing to the Submit button with instructions to click on Submit.

You will now see a screen labeled Personalize: My Announcements.  Under Edit My Announcements View, locate the dropdown menu labeled Show Announcements For and select the desired duration.  The announcements can be displayed for Today, 7 Days, 30 Days or all announcements created can be displayed.  When you are finished, click Submit to save your changes.