Reusing Questions

This guide will demonstrate how to reuse questions from assessments or question banks in the course.

Reusing a Question in a Test or Assignment

Image of an assessment canvas with an arrow and a 1 pointing to the dividing line between elements, and an arrow and a number 2 pointing to the Reuse questions option in the content menu.

To reuse a question from another test or question bank:

  1. Hover over the dividing line between elements and click on the + buttons.
  2. Select the Reuse Questions option from the menu.

Selecting Questions to Reuse

Image of the reuse questions screen with the following items: 1. Filter Button 2. Filter Criteria Panel. 3. Questions and selection buttons. 4. Copy Questions button.

You will now see a screen labeled Reuse Questions. To select questions to reuse:

  1. Filter: Click this button to open and close the Filter Criteria panel.
  2. Filter Criteria: Use the Filter Criteria panel to search or filter the displayed questions by source or question type.
  3. Check the checkboxes to the left of the questions you wish to reuse.
  4. Copy Questions: Click the Copy Questions button to copy the selected questions into the current assignment.


Confirmation Banner

Once the selected items have been copied into the current assessment, you will see a green confirmation panel and the imported questions in the assessment.