Disabling and Enabling Progress Tracking

This guide demonstrates how to disable or enable Progress Tracking within Learn Ultra courses.

Note that Progress Tracking is enabled by default for all Ultra Courses.

Enabling Progress Tracking in your Learn Ultra Course

Image of the Details and Actions Panel with the Progress Tracking option highlighted.

To enable Progress Tracking in your Blackboard Learn course open the Details and Actions panel on the left and locate Progress Tracking and click on the Turn On or Turn Off link.

Turning Progress Tracking On

Image of the Progress Tracking sidebar with the following items: 1. On/Off Slider 2. Save button

A side panel titled Progress Tracking will open on the right side:

  1. Click on the slider to turn Progress Tracking On or Off.
  2. Click Save to disable if turned off and enabled if turned on.


Image of the Details and Actions panel in Blackboard Learn Ultra

Once Progress Tracking has been enabled in the course, the link below the Progress Tracking heading will read Turn Off in the Details and Actions panel.