Creating Blackboard Ultra Document

This article will cover how to create a Blackboard Ultra Document.

This is for Blackboard Ultra Course View only.

Image of plus sign

Hover to an area in the course to add content, select the plus sign.

Image of create

Select Create.

Image of document tab

Select Document.

Image of document upload options

Options provided to:

1. Add content which provides a text box to type or copy/paste,

2. Add HTML,

3. Upload from computer,

4. Browse content collection.


5. Convert a file, such as Word or PDF, to an Ultra Document.

Edit Document Settings

Image of gear icon

Select the gear icon for settings.

Image of document settings

1. Allow classroom conversations for instructors and students to have quick exchanges within the document.

2. Align with goals and standards.

3. Add a description.

4. Select Save.

A document can be as simple as as a single line of text or a combination of elements.

Creating A Document With a Combination of Elements

image of edit

In this example the Ultra document contains a .docx and an instructor wants to add a PowerPoint. Select Edit.

image of plus sign

Select the plus sign.

image of file upload options

Options provided to:

1. Add content which provides a text box to type or copy/paste,

2. Add HTML,

3. Upload from computer,

4. Browse content collection.


5. Convert a file, such as Word or PDF, to an Ultra Document.

image of save

Select Save.

Image of .docx and .pptx

The Ultra Document contains a combination of elements, both a .docx and .pptx.