Blackboard Ultra Course Copy
This article will cover how to copy a Blackboard Ultra Course to another Ultra Course.
This information is for Ultra Course View, go to Original Course View.
All course shells at UToledo are defaulted to Original Course View until Summer 2025. Ultra content can only be copied to another Ultra course shell. To begin the process of copying Ultra Course, please contact UToledo Online Help Desk to request that the course be made unavailable to start a course conversion.
1. Select the drop down arrow for Upcoming Courses.
2. Select Upcoming Courses.
Select the course you want the content to go to. This is opposite of Blackboard Original Course view.
1. Select the ellipsis (3 dots) in the upper right corner
2. Select Copy Items
1. Check the box of the course that needs copied over.
2. Select Start Copy.
Instructors will receive an email when the course copy is completed.