Faculty Guides and Documentation

Blackboard Ultra Course Copy

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This article will cover how to copy a Blackboard Ultra Course to another Ultra Course.

All course shells at UToledo will be in Ultra Course View as of Summer 2025. Original content can be copied into Ultra. Note that you will begin this process inside the destination course in Ultra, not from within the source course to be copied.

Image of upcoming courses

1. Select the drop down arrow for Upcoming Courses.

2. Select Upcoming Courses.

Select the course you want the content to go to. This is opposite of Blackboard Original Course view.

Image of 3 dots and copy items

1. Select the ellipsis (3 dots) in the upper right corner

2. Select Copy Items

Image of check box and start copy

1. Check the box of the course that needs copied over.

2. Select Start Copy.

Instructors will receive an email when the course copy is completed.

Some content is no longer supported in Ultra and will not convert or copy from Original. Please see the Preconversion Checklist for a list of supported and unsupported items as well as how to review Conversion Exceptions after copy. 

It is possible to copy at the granular level into Ultra! If you only want pieces from a certain course, click the arrow button to the right of the course title to expand items. You can select whole menu items (which will typically copy as modules) or continue to expand up to an individual content level and click individual items for copy.

Blackboard Ultra Course Copy: Video Demonstration

UToledo Online can also assist with course copies. Please send your request to [email protected] and include the course alphanumeric, section, and semester/year of both the source course and destination course. Course copies of another instructor's content to your course require direct written permission from that instructor.

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