Importing a Test, Survey or Pool

This lesson will demonstrate how to import a test from a .zip file that was exported from another course into your Blackboard course.

Accessing Course Tests, Part 1

Image of the Control Panel with the following annotations: 1.Click on Course Tools.2.Select Tests, Surveys and Pools.

Log into Blackboard and go to the Control Panel.  

  1. Click on Course Tools.
  2. Select Tests, Surveys and Pools.

Accessing Course Tests, Part 2

Image of the Tests, Surveys and Pools menu with the option Tests outlined with a red circle with instructions to click on Tests.

You will then be taken to a screen labeled Tests, Surveys, and Pools.  On this screen, select Tests.

Importing a Test

Image of the Tests screen with the build test and Import test buttons at the top.  The Import Test button is outlined with a red circle, with instructions indicating to click on Import Test.

You will now see a list of all the tests in the course site.  On the top of the page, you will see two buttons: Build Test and Import Test.  Click the button labeled Import Test.

Selecting a Test File for Import

Image of the Test Import Screen with the Browse My Computer button outlined with a red circle under Test Import, with instructions to click on Browse My Computer to import a test file, and the Submit button at the bottom of the page outlined with a red circle, with instructions to click Submit when finished.

You will now see a screen labeled Test Import. Click on the Browse My Computer button to select the test file you wish to import. Once you have selected the file, click Submit.


Image of the Test Import Complete status message.

Once the test has been imported, you will receive a confirmation message similar to the one below.  The test can now be deployed to a content area in the course site.