Adding A Custom Page Banner to the Course News Page
This lesson will demonstrate how to add a custom page banner to the Course News page that contains text or images
Accessing the Page Banner
Log into your Blackboard course and click the chevron button next to the page title and select Page Banner from the menu that appears.
Editing the Banner
You will now see a screen similar to the one above where you can edit the page banner information.
- To add text to the page banner, type the desired text in the text editor.
- To attach an image, click on the Attach Image button (the button that looks like a photograph) as shown by the red arrow.
Uploading an Image
You will now see an image similar to the one above that will allow you to link to or upload an image.
- Image URL: Click the Browse My Computer button to upload an image from your computer, or click Browse Course to upload an image that has already been added to the course. The Image URL field will populate automatically. Alternatively, an image from an external site can be linked to by typing in the direct URL for the image.
- Image Description: Enter a description of the image here so the image can be accessible to users with screen readers in order to ensure accessibility of course content.
- Title: Enter a title for the image here.
Modifying the Image Appearance
- To modify the image appearance, click the Appearance tab at the top of the page.
- Alignment: Use the dropdown menu to select the desired alignment for the image
- Dimensions: Enter the desired dimensions for the image in pixels. Check the Constrain Proportions box to keep the image in proportion.
- Vertical Space, Horizontal Space, Border, Class, and Style: Enter the desired volumes for image padding and border width.
- When you are ready to add the image, click the Insert button.