Blackboard offers two private course communication methods between students and instructors; Messages and the Email Tool. The items below will provide more information on each, as well as the differences between each.
Course Messages
1. On the left navigation panel, messages will show a red dot when a new unread message is waiting.
2. Select the course link to view the unread message.
Starting May 11th, 2022 the new Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation menu provides a place to send and receive internal messages for individual courses.
When an instructor or student sends a message, recipients will receive these internally within the course only. There is an option for instructors and students to set how they want their notifications to be emailed to them and can choose to receive an email when a new unread message arrives.
Course Message Tool in a Course

Blackboard does allow to add the course messages using the tool link when inside a course.
If an instructor adds the messages tool inside of the course, it will be the same inbox/sent items using the Ultra Base Navigation messages on the left panel.
The Course Messages allows instructors to contain communication within the course site, and instructors and students can create and read messages within the course site. The Course Messages allows for instructors to keep course-related communication separate from their general email messages. Starting with the April 2014 release, users can now receive notifications when they have new messages. Users can receive notifications individually or as a daily digest. The Course Messages tool in Blackboard has similar functions as the WebCT Mail tool.
The Course Messages enables instructors to keep course-related communication separate from their general University of Toledo email messages, and have a permanent record of all messages sent and received in the course.
The Course Messages enables students to easily read messages and communicate with their instructors and their peers without leaving Blackboard (Quality Matters Standard 6.3).
In introducing messages to students, provide guidance regarding etiquette expectations (QM 1.3), provide specific requirements on how regularly they should log in and check their course messages and indicate your timeframe for responding to messages (QM 5.3).
Send Email Tool

The Send Email Tool allows Blackboard users to send email from Blackboard to the recipient's University of Toledo email account, either their or accounts. The email messages are not stored in Blackboard, but users will receive the messages sent to the University of Toledo email accounts.
The Email tool enables instructors to easily email students without leaving Blackboard. Using the email tool in Blackboard allows the messages sent out to students’ UTAD email bearing the name and ID of your courses which help them easily identify the source of the emails. The email messages are not stored in Blackboard, thus enabling all users to instantly receive messages in their University of Toledo email account.
The Email tool enables students to easily email faculty and other students without leaving Blackboard (QM 6.3). The email messages are not stored in Blackboard, thus enabling all users to instantly receive messages in their University of Toledo email account.
It is recommended that faculty add the Email tool to the course menu before the course begins. Label the tool with an easy-to-understand, self-describing, and meaningful name. In introducing the tool to students, provide guidance regarding etiquette expectations (QM 1.3), and indicate your timeframe for responding to emails (QM 5.3).