Editing Group Set Options
The properties of Group Sets can be modified from one location. This guide will demonstrate how to modify the group set options.
Accessing the Groups Tool
Log into Blackboard and go to the Control Panel.
- Click on Users and Groups.
- Then click on Groups.
Editing Group Set Properties
You will now be taken to the Groups list. To edit the properties for a group set, locate the name of the group set you wish to edit in the Group Set column and hover over the name of the set and click the chevron button that appears to the right of the group set name. From the menu that appears, select the item labeled Edit Group Set Properties.
Editing the Group Information
You will now see a screen labeled Edit Group Set or Edit Self-Enrollment Group Set, depending on the type of group set created. Group Information allows instructors to change the availability. Under the option labeled Group is visible to students, select Yes to make the group available to students, or select No to hide the group from students. If the group type is a self-enrolled group, you can choose the Sign-up Sheet only option to only allow students to see the signup sheet.
Setting up Group Tool Availability and Settings
Tool Availability allows you to enable and disable individual tools for student use within the groups. To enable a tool, check the checkbox next to the tool name. To disable a tool, uncheck the checkbox next to the tool name.
- Blogs: Check the checkbox here to enable the Blogs tool. Additionally, grading options can be enabled by selecting Grade.
- Discussion Board: Check this checkbox to enable the group discussion board. Additionally, instructors can choose to permit students to create their own forums in the group, or instructors can choose to prevent students from creating their own forums.
- Email: Check this checkbox to allow students to send emails to each other within the group.
- File Exchange: Check this box to allow students to share files with each other within the group.
- Journals: Check this box to enable the Journal tool within the group. Additionally, grading options can be enabled by selecting Grade.
- Tasks: Check this box to allow students to create tasks for group members.
- Blackboard Collaborate Ultra: Check this box to allow group members to access Blackboard Collaborate Ultra for live group collaboration.
- Wikis: Check this box to enable the Wiki tool in the group environment. Additionally, grading options can be enabled by selecting Grade.
Setting up Module Personalization Settings
Section 3: Module Personalization Settings allows instructors to permit students to personalize the appearance of the group home page. To allow students to personalize the group home page, check the box labeled Allow Personalization.
Setting up the Group Sign-Up Options (Self-Enrolled Group Sets Only)
If you are modifying settings for a Self-Enrolled group set, you will see Sign Up Sheet Options. Sign-up options allows instructors to customize the sign-up sheet for students.
- Name of Sign-up Sheet: Enter a name for the sign-up sheet here.
- Sign-up Sheet Instructions: Enter a description for the sign-up sheet
- Maximum Number of Members: Specify the maximum number of members for each group.
- Show Members: Check the box next to Show Members to allow students to see the list of students who have already signed up for the group.
- Allow Students to sign-up from the Groups listing page: Check this option to allow students to sign up from the Groups link in the course. If this option is unchecked, the instructor must create a link to the group sign-up sheet in order for students to access the signup sheet.
Finishing Up
When finished, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page to save the changes.