Importing a Self and Peer Assessment

This guide will demonstrate how to import a Self and Peer Assessment into a course.

Importing a Self and Peer Assessment, Part 1

image of a content area with an arrow pointing to Assessments outlined in a red circle with instructions to click on Assessments.  A menu is shown on screen with Self and Peer Assessment outlined in a red circle with instructions to select Self and Peer Assessment.

To import a Self and Peer Assessment, go to the content area you wish to add the assessment to.  Click on Assessments at the top of the page and select Self and Peer Assessment from the menu.

Importing a Self and Peer Assessment, Part 2

Image of the Create Self and Peer Assessment with the following annotations: 1.Create New or Import: To import an assessment, select the Import option.2.Import Assessment: The screen will then change to show a link for importing an assessment.  To choose a file, click Browse or Choose File (depending on your operating system) and select the assessment file you wish to import.3.Assessment Information: In the field marked Name, enter a name for the assessment.4.When finished, click Submit to import the assessment.

You will now see a screen with a heading labeled Create Self and Pear Assessment:

  1. Create New or Import: To import an assessment, select the Import option.
  2. Import Assessment: The screen will then change to show a link for importing an assessment.  To choose a file, click Browse or Choose File (depending on your operating system) and select the assessment file you wish to import.
  3. Assessment Information: In the field marked Name, enter a name for the assessment.
  4. When finished, click Submit to import the assessment.


Image of the Assessment Canvas with a confirmation message reading Assessment Added Successfully

You will then be taken to the Assessment Canvas, and you will see a message saying Assessment Added Successfully.  You can then add additional questions to the Assessment Canvas, or modify the assessment properties.