Using the Goals Dashboard

This guide demonstrates how to use the Goals Dashboard to track student goal performance.

Opening the Control Panel

Image of the Blackboard Control Panel with the following annotations: 1.Open the Control Panel and click on Course Tools.2.Select Goal Performance from the Course Tools section.

To view student goal performance:

  1. Open the Control Panel and click on Course Tools.
  2. Select Goal Perfomance from the Course Tools section.

Selecting a Student

Image of the Goal Performanc screen showing a list of students. An arrow is pointing to students' usernames with instructions to click on a student's username to see their goal performance.

You will now see a screen labeled Goal Performance. To view a student's goal performance, click on the desired student's username.

Viewing Student Performance

Image showing a student's goal perfromance with the following annotations: 1.The assessments that are linked to course goals will appear on the left. Instructors can click on a hyperlinked assessment to view that student's attempt.2.The status of aligned assessments will appear in the center column.3.The scale on the right shows the student's level of performance on the assessment.

You will now see a screen showing the students' performance on assessments related to course goals.

  1. The assessments that are linked to course goals will appear on the left. Instructors can click on a hyperlinked assessment to view that student's attempt.
  2. The status of aligned assessments will appear in the center column.
  3. The scale on the right shows the student's level of performance on the assessment.