How to Show/Hide the Course Menu and Dynamic Web Page Information

This article will show you how to hide and reveal the Main Course Menu. You may want to do this to see more of the primary display area, especially on devices with smaller screens.

Blackboard Learn utilizes a dynamic web page design that is intended to provide a uniform and functional appearance across mobile and desktop devices. If you are working on a desktop computer, the display may vary based on the following factors. If you are viewing Blackboard in the mobile view from a desktop, you can access the standard view by adjusting the following items:

  • Web Browser window size (Enlarge the web browser window to see full desktop view)
  • Web Browser zoom level (Zoom out to view desktop view)
  • Display resolution (Set your display resolution to a larger value)
To Hide or Collapse the Course menu
Screenshot of course menu

If the Course Menu and Control Panel are not visible in your course site, skip to Step 3 to see how to make them visible.

Step 1 - Hover your cursor between the Course Menu and the main display areas

Screenshot of hover the cursor in the area to the right of the course menu
ContentScreenshot of gray bar with arrow

To hide the course menu, hover your cursor over the edge of the course menu and click on the gray bar or arrow that appears.

Step 2: The Course Menu (and Control Panel) are now collapsed or hidden


The main display area now occupies most of the browser window.

Step 3 - To Show or Reveal the Course Menu

Screenshot of blue line with arrow

Step 4 - Click in this area once it is highlighted and the "reveal arrow" is visible

Screenshot of reveal arrow

The Course Menu (and Control Panel) are now visible once again

Viewing the Course Menu on Small Screens
Image of the blackboard course interface with an arrow pointing to the buttons that open the system tabs and course menu

If you are viewing Blackboard using a web browser on a small-screen device, you will see a compacted view of the course, but all course features are accessible.

  1. To view the system tabs (My Institution, Faculty Support, Student Support) and the global notifications dashboard, click on the button with the three parallel lines.
  2. To view the Course Menu, click on the circular button with the angle bracket character.

Viewing the System Tabs on a Small Screen Device

Image of the system menu with the following items: 1.To close the system tab menu, click the X button in the upper left hand corner of the screen. 2.Click on the desired menu item to access the desired content.3.To log out of Blackboard, click on the Power icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

The options in the menu above will vary based on your institutional role

  1. To close the system tab menu, click the X button in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
  2. Click on the desired menu item to access the desired content.
  3. To log out of Blackboard, click on the Power icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

Viewing the Course Menu

Image of Blackboard with the following elements: 1.The course menu and control panel will appear on the top left side of the screen. If accessed from the middle or bottom of a page, it will appear blank.2.To close the course menu, click the X button in the upper left hand corner.3.For faculty, to access the Student Preview mode and Edit Mode controls, click on the gear icon in the upper right hand corner
  1. The course menu and control panel will appear on the top left side of the screen. If accessed from the middle or bottom of a page, it will appear blank.
  2. To close the course menu, click the X button in the upper left hand corner.
  3. For faculty, to access the Student Preview mode and Edit Mode controls, click on the gear icon in the upper right hand corner.