Creating an Either/Or Question

This guide will demonstrate how to create an Either/Or question in Blackboard. An either/or question allows students to select between two answer choices.

Selecting a Question Type

With the Test Canvas open, Click on Create Question and select Either/Or from the menu.

Entering the Question and Answer Information

  1. Question Title: Enter a title for the question here (optional)
  2. Question Text: Enter your question text here.
  3. Answer orientation: select whether you want the answers to be displayed horizontally or vertically.
  4. Answer choices: Select the pair of answer choices you would to use for your question. Options include Yes/No, True/False, Agree/Disagree and Right/Wrong
  5. Correct answer: Select which answer choice to be marked as correct.

Editing Feedback and Categories

  1. Correct Response Feedback: Enter feedback to be shown to students when students respond correctly.
  2. Incorrect Response Feedback: Enter feedback to be shown to students when students respond incorrectly.
  3. Categories and Keywords: Click the Add button to add tags for Categories, Topics, Levels of Difficulty, and Keywords.
  4. Instructor Notes: Enter any notes in this field here. Only instructors can view information entered here.
  5. Cancel: Click Cancel to discard the question
  6. Submit and Create Another: Click this button to save the question and create another question of the same type.
  7. Submit: Click this button to save the question and return to the test canvas


The question you created will now appear on the test canvas. Click the Points value to change the number of points.