A Learning Module allows instructors to group multiple content items and tool links into a single folder with a table of contents. The instructions below will demonstrate how to create a Learning Module
Creating a Learning Module

Log into Blackboard and access the content area in which you would like to create a folder in, such as a Course Units folder for grouping content by unit. Please refer to the guide titled Creating a Content Area for more information on how to create a content area. To upload your document:
- Click on Build Content at the top of the page.
- Choose Learning Module from the menu that appears.
A Learning Module is distinct from a Module Page. The Module Page link creates a page similar in setup to the Course News page in the default course template.
Setting Up the Learning Module Information
You will now see a screen labeled Create Learning Module. In the section labeled Learning Module Information, are the following items:
- Name: Enter a name for the learning module here.
- Color of Name: Select the desired color for the learning module link here.
- Text: Type a description for the learning module in the text box.
Setting up the Learning Module Navigation Options

Under Learning Module Options, users will be able to modify how students navigate the learning module.
- Enforce Sequential Viewing of the Learning Module?: If Yes is selected, students must view contents in order. The recommended setting is No, which allows students to access content out of sequence.
- Open in New Window: Select Yes to open the learning module in a new window, or select No to open the learning module in the current window.
Setting Up The Learning Module Availability

The section labeled Standard Options, allows users to change the visibility of the learning module to students:
- Permit Users to View this Content: Select Yes to allow students to view the learning module and the content within the module.
- Track Number of Views: Select Yes to track how many times students access the learning module.
- Select Date and Time Restrictions: Use the date and time pickers to limit the time period in which students can access the learning module.
Setting up the Learning Module Table of Contents
The section labeled Table of Contents allows users to change how the table of contents appears to students:
- Show Table of Contents to Users: Select Yes to display the table of contents to students. This is the recommended setting.
- Hierarchy Display: Use the dropdown menu to select the desired method to display the page hierarchy in the table of contents.
- When finished setting up the Learning Module, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.