Accessing SafeAssign Originality Reports

This guide will demonstrate how to access SafeAssign Originality Reports in Blackboard Learn Ultra. For more information about reading and understanding Originality Reports, please check out Blackboard's site.

This guide is for Blackboard Learn Ultra

Accessing the Learn Ultra Gradebook

Image of a Learn Ultra course with an arrow pointing to the Gradebook link

In your Blackboard Learn Ultra course, click on the Gradebook link at the top to open the Gradebook

Image of the Ultra gradebook list view with an arrow pointing to an assignment

You will now see the list of gradeable items. Click on the assignment you wish to view SafeAssign results for.

Accessing a Student's Originality Report

Image showing student attempts with an arrow pointing to the originality post column

You will now see a list of student submissions that are ready to grade.  Under the column labeled Originality Post, you will see an icon indicating the originality status of the submission by a colored circle:

  • Green: Low concern
  • Yellow: Medium concern
  • Red: High concern

Click on the icon under the Originality Post to view a specific student's report.

Viewing a Student's Originality Report

image of a student's attempt with an arrow pointing to the Open Feedback panel button

You will now see the selected student's submission. To access originality reports for each submitted artifact (e.g. essay questions or attached files), click on the  Open Feedback Panel (<) button as shown by the arrow in the image above.

Image of the Feedback panel  showing Originality Reports

With the Feedback Panel open, you can see a summary of the student's matching text percentage, as well as a list of all items (such as essay questions or attached files) that have been evaluated by SafeAssign. Click the item in the wish you wish to view.

Viewing Report Details

image of originality report

The image above shows a sample Originality Report:

  1. The selected document will appear on the left with sources highlighted.
  2. View Report Summary: Click on this link to view the report summary
  3. The name of the selected item and the matching percentage will show here.
  4. Included sources: A list of sources will appear on the page here. Use the highlight button to highlight a specific source or use the the No sign to remove the source from the report.
  5. Top Sources: The sources used by the student will be listed here, ordered from the most used to the least used.
image showing match details

You can click on any highlighted item in the report to compare the submitted text to the original text, as well as the likelihood the text matches the source, and details about the text source.

Viewing Report Summary

Image of the originality report summary

The Report Summary provides additional context about the originality report, and the overall matching percentage, as well as a summary of the originality report for each submitted item.