Adding a Calculated Numeric Question to a Question Bank

A Calculated Numeric Question allows instructors to create a question in which the answer is a numeric value or a range of values. This guide will demonstrate how to create a Calculated Numeric Question within a Blackboard question bank.

This is for Ultra Course View, go to Original Course View.

Adding a Calculated Numeric Question to a Test or Assignment

Image of an assessment canvas with an arrow and a 1 pointing to the dividing line between elements, and an arrow and a number 2 pointing to the Add Calculated Formula option in the content menu.

To add a Calculated Numeric Question to the assessment canvas:

  1. Hover over the dividing line between elements and click on the + button
  2. Select Calculated Numeric Question from the menu
Image of a Calculated Numeric question with the following items: 1. Write the Question Text 2. Correct Answer. 3. Allow an Answer Range 4. Enter Range Value. 5. Automated Feedback 6. Correct Answer Feedback. 7. Incorrect Answer Feedback 8. Save button

You will now be prompted to create your Calculated Numeric Question:

  1. Write the Question Text: Enter the question text here
  2. Correct Answer: Enter the correct answer here. A maximum of 16 digits is accepted.
  3. Allow an Answer Range: Check this box to allow answers to be counted in an answer range.
  4. Enter range value: Enter the value for the range here. The range will be calculated as both a minimum or maximum value. For example, if the answer is 100 and the range value is 10, answers will be accepted between 90 and 110.
  5. Automated Feedback: Click on this slider to allow correct and incorrect response feedback for the question.
  6. Correct Answer Feedback: Enter feedback for the correct answer here.
  7. Incorrect Answer Feedback: Enter the feedback that would be shown if students answer the item incorrectly.
  8. When finished creating the question, click the Save button to create the question.


The saved question will then appear at the desired insertion point in the question bank. You can click on the point value to change it.