What To Do After a Course Copy (Ultra Course View)

After a course copy or course import is complete, it is highly recommended that the following steps are completed.

This guide outlines instructions for Ultra Course View. If you are using Original Course View, please see the guide for what to do after a course copy in Original.

All course shells at UToledo are defaulted to Original Course View until Summer 2025. Ultra content can only be copied to another Ultra course shell. Continuing Ultra instructors will need to contact UToledo Online to have your course shell converted to Ultra.

Update Item Availability and Due Dates

Use the Batch Edit tool to review and update item availability and due dates

Remove Unwanted Discussion Board Posts

Check the Discussion Board and delete any unwanted posts or replies.

Remove Duplicate/Unwanted Columns

Review all Gradebook columns and remove any duplicate or unwanted columns

Check all external links and embedded HTML content to ensure that the links are still functional.

Adjust Course Settings

Turn off student visibility for the Roster if you have students who are marked as confidential. You can also use the Roster tool to add TA's and/or additional instructors and set up student time accommodations

You can also use Course Settings to disable Collaborate and/or Messages if you do not use those tools in your course.

The Messages tool in Ultra now allows all messages to also be sent as emails. If you disable Messages, you will not be able to email the entire class (though you can still email individual members through the Roster or the Gradebook). You could still post Announcements and check the box to send an email of the announcement; however, it would be a "do not reply" email.